Signature Hybrid Services

Deep Tissue CranialSacral Therapy

Our signature service blends two therapeutic forms of bodywork—Deep Tissue massage and CranioSacral Therapy.

Myofascial Release Trigger Point Therapy

Manual techniques designed to alleviate muscle tension and pain by manipulating the fascia and releasing tight knots

Visceral Manipulation Cranio Sacral Therapy

Gentle hands-on approaches that aim to enhance the body’s self-healing mechanisms by addressing restrictions and imbalances in the visceral and craniosacral systems

Somato Emotional Release ~ Trauma Recovery Coaching

Synergize therapeutic techniques to facilitate the release and resolution of emotional trauma stored in the body, fostering healing and emotional well-being.

Other Services

Neuromuscular Therapy

Targeted approach that addresses specific muscle and soft tissue imbalances, utilizing advanced massage techniques to alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and restore optimal function.

Intense Injury

For acute or chronic injuries associated with MVA auto accidents, which require more frequent concentrated attention.


A light hands-on full body approach to releasing restrictions in the soft tissues around the central nervous system.