Visceral Manipulation
Cranio Sacral Therapy

Visceral Manipulation
Cranio Sacral Therapy

Visceral manipulation is a manual therapy technique that focuses on assessing and gently manipulating the internal organs of the body to improve their mobility and function. Developed by French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral, visceral manipulation aims to address restrictions or adhesions within the visceral organs and their surrounding tissues, which may result from trauma, surgery, inflammation, or chronic stress. Practitioners use specific palpation techniques to identify areas of tension or dysfunction within the abdomen, pelvis, and thorax, and then apply gentle, precise pressure to release adhesions, restore mobility, and enhance organ function. This therapy is believed to promote better circulation, nerve function, and overall health by addressing structural imbalances and restoring proper organ movement within the body.

Combining visceral manipulation with craniosacral therapy creates a holistic approach to addressing both the internal organs and the craniosacral system within the body. While visceral manipulation focuses on assessing and gently manipulating the internal organs to improve their mobility and function, craniosacral therapy targets the craniosacral system, consisting of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, to release restrictions and restore balance. By integrating these two modalities, practitioners aim to address a broader range of physical and energetic imbalances, promoting overall health and well-being by enhancing organ

Call 503-704-0579 for a free consult to see if this service is the right approach for you.